Theme A: Cycle planning processes
WP1: Historic comparison of developments within cycling and cycle planning in Stockholm and Copenhagen
The focus of this work is a historic study of the planning of and developments within the cycling field in Stockholm and Copenhagen between 1930 and 2010. The study will, amongst other things, investigate objectives for transport planning coupled to cycling, transparency in planning processes, and cycle planning in practice in the capital cities of Sweden and Denmark - two cities that at one time both had a high proportion of cycling.
Contact: Dr Martin Emanuel
WP2: Urban policies and planning for cycling
Many Swedish cities have goals for increased cycling. There are also similar national objectives. However, progress towards the agreed objectives seems slow. This study includes an analysis of policy- and planning-related obstacles as well as an analysis of local planning procedures in a number of medium sized Swedish cities. The main objective of the study is to improve the knowledge about the current practice in planning for cycling at the local level.
Contact: Dr Kerstin Robertson, VTI
WP3: Cycling planning across boundaries of local authorities
Cycle planning in many countries was once very much focused on the needs of cycling to local shops or for recreational purposes. Nowadays, in the Stockholm area many people cycle more than seven kilometers to their work place, crossing the boundaries of two or more local authorities. This study aims to find workable procedures for cycle planning where two or more authorities need to co-operate, share data, and develop joint solutions in order to develop a consistent and high-quality cycle network across larger citiy areas.
Contact: Mrs Lisa Johnsson, WSP
WP4: Ways to visualise the needs and preferences of cyclists: scoping study
The purpose of this study is to document the ways that the quality of road infrastructure can be visualised from a cycling point-of-view.
Contact: Mr Michael Koucky, Koucky & Partners AB
WP5: Synthesis: important user needs and considerations when designing a computer aided cycle planning tool
This study analyses the results from WP 1-4. The purpose is to specify planners’ requirements of a planning tool and to draw conclusions about measures that can help ensure that cycling issues are not 'forgotten' about in transport and development planning.
Contact: Dr Pelle Envall, Mr Johannes Berg, Mr Michael Koucky